Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stitches South

Finally the time is here for Stitches South. I have been looking forward to it for quite some time now. It starts on Thursday, April 22 at Cobb Galleria, well actually the Waverly Hotel and goes through Sunday. Fortunately for me, my office is right down the street, so I am planning to go on Friday and Saturday after work. In addition, I am off on Thursday, so I am going early. This will be my first time to go, and I am so excited. I am hoping that some of my friends will be able to go with me.

I am off today and I am so glad. The shingles have literally kicked my butt to the moon and back. I don't recall ever having anything that was as painful as this. I had to work on Monday and Tuesday because there was no one to cover the office. Today I am planning to take it easy and nap all day.

I am also working on a plan for my studio/office. Right now it looks like a storage facility, but I have big plans for that room and I am excited! I might post the progress as I go along with pictures......

It seems that I can't finish a project before starting another one. Shame on me . But, I always finish them at some point. I am working on socks for Beany and Anna and I also have a cute hat that I want to make for Anna.

You gotta love this face:

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