Sunday, July 29, 2012

Where Did July Go?

Here it is, July 29. Where did this month go? I can't seem to keep up these days with all that is going on. My Mom is back in rehab and we have spent the month of July first trying to adjust to having her here with us and then back in the hospital and then to rehab. I keep hoping that I will find time to post regularly, but that never seems to happen. All things considered, I did accomplish a few things this month. I am taking a lettering class with Joanne Sharpe online and doing it at my pace. It is a wonderful class and I just love it. I am learning so much about lettering, which is my most favorite art or craft, if you will. I love letters, fonts, numbers, etc., and I am really learning a lot in this class. Here are a couple of my practice pieces:
I have also been learning to do art journals. Mine are not very creative at this point, but I am hoping as I learn more, they will improve. I am doing one in a composition book (yes, the plain old black and white ones) that has some good pages and some not so good ones. I consider this one a training journal, because I am learning techniques for painting and other cool ways to do an art journal. Here is one photo from my comp journal:
And, like most people, I have also dabbled in the SMASH journals. I like them alot, but I think they have much room for improvement. I did see a blog post the other day where an artist made her own smash journal from only materials she had on hand and then wire bound it herself. It was very cool and I like it alot. Here is a page from my Smash Journal:
I do most of my art at night after everyone is asleep. Between work and taking care of my Mom, I don't have any time otherwise. It relaxes me and helps with all the stress. Keep crafting!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Joy Journal Project

Today I am joining the Joy Journal Project. I feel that this will help me get back on track from all that has been going on in my life. This project is to help inspire you, remind you of the good things in your life and help relocate your creativity. If anyone ever needed this, it is me. Here are a few of my recent projects: This is the tangle that I just finished:
This is a tangle that I finished last week:
Lots going on this next week. My Mom will be home on Wednesday, and we will start trying to acclimate her to our house. It is the July 4th holiday too, and I am looking forward to a few days off. Til next time....